
Eleven nights on tap at HC Speedway

April will hopefully bring with it improved weather and racing action at the famous Hamilton County Speedway.

Eleven nights of racing are on the schedule, starting April 11-12 with the 15th annual USMTS Spring Classic. There will be USMTS modifieds, stock cars, B-mods and hobby stocks, along with Crown Vics on Saturday.

Two weeks later, the Iron Man USRA Stock Car Series hits the track with action involving six different features on April 25-26.

Other dates include June 7 for the Flaws Brothers Memorial and June 28 for the Bill Rice Memorial. July 24-27 will see Thursday Night Thunder, 360 Sprint Invaders Series, the annual Hall of Fame and Kids Night and the Eve of Destruction Trailer Races take place.

Wrapping things up will be the 2nd annual Mike Baker Memorial on August 16.

Pits open at 4 p.m. with grandstands opening an hour later. Hot laps are set for 7 p.m. with action to start after.

Starting at $3.46/week.

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