

When Huisinga met Peterson

Local Columns

A few days past, I encountered two people I did not know as I went outside to retrieve that all-important mail (which, as usual, was hardly worth the effort). They introduced themselves and handed me a local candidate’s “door hanger” for the upcoming election. This began a normal (for me) ...

A note from the editor:

Letters to Editor

As we near the November 5 election, please take note of the special deadlines that will be in place regarding your submitted opinions and letters to the editor that pertain to the election. The last submitted opinion or letter will be published on Friday, November 1. That means that your ...

Tipping outhouses and other treats

Local Columns

Get a bunch of guys 70 years and older together at this time of year and the conversation just might turn to Halloweens of yore. One-upmanship sets in as each man brags about Halloween pranks in which he was involved. One Halloween in the early ‘60s some of the guys (I wasn’t in on this ...