

Good people

Local Columns

I was reminded not too long ago that good people voted for our current president and his standards. The message came from a social media acquaintance who called me out for my morality. The irony of this is that anyone who has known me long enough knows very well that I am far from perfect. My ...

Facebook friends can be real friends

Local Columns

The social media phenomenon known as Facebook turns 20 years old this year! It was a year or so after Facebook became a reality that I began hearing talk promoting the application and younger friends and acquaintances began urging me to get involved. Early on, I was reluctant to sign up for ...

Conversing with Chicago cab drivers

Local Columns

Forty years ago my job at the Sioux City Journal involved, among a host of other duties, regular travel to call on major advertisers headquartered in other Midwestern cities. Some of those sales calls necessitated air travel. The Sioux City Airport was only a 10 to 15 minute-drive from our ...

Of tea and newspapers

Local Columns

Breakfast has always been my favorite meal. It has several origins: My Scottish and English forebears, for whom a substantial first-meal-of-the-day was an article of faith; my maternal grandmother preparing a bounteous spread for farm hands at 5.30 a.m. in her farm kitchen; and a lifetime of ...