

Memories of Opa

Local Columns

This is the story of a man of humble origins who moved to a new country and worked hard but never acquired wealth or fame. This man was my maternal grandfather and this year will mark the 60th anniversary of his passing. My grandfather was born in an East Frisian village near Weener, Germany, ...

Blizzard: 0 Hamilton County: 1


On behalf of everyone who looked out their windows Wednesday, sincerely grateful they did not have to go outside, thank you to everyone who did. You know who you are: Hamilton County Sheriff’s deputies, Webster City Police officers, the line crews, street crews, and all emergency ...

It’s amazing how over time stories intertwine

Letters to Editor

To the editor: I read with interest the story on financials involved in the city income and expenses. I took several accounting classes in college and never appreciated them until I became a manager and discovered the things that could be done with accounting. When I read about the city ...

Wonder what Dad has been up to today

Local Columns

While reviewing bills recently I noticed my monthly cell phone bill had increased by $18. I searched the statement looking for a reason for the increase but found none. I’m not a parsimonious old coot, but I am frugal and I was upset by an unannounced increase in the bill with no ...