
Local Columns

Meet the Brills

One of my favorite activities, at almost any time of year, is to walk through Our Neighborhood. The trees have been especially eye-popping this year. I’ve heard the trees are particularly colorful when there has been a lack of rain. This year is certainly one of those. About two weeks ...

Imprisoned in a recliner and cold coffee

About a year ago, my wife, Julie, and I agreed that I would benefit from a power recliner. You know, the kind of recliner that makes it easier for an old guy to get out of the recliner. I’m a large guy and it took us a while to find a power recliner of sufficient size and power to lift this ...

I have struggled to find something funny to say

In these final fractious moments leading up to joy for some and bitterness for others, I have struggled to find something funny to say. Yeah, I know. I literally laid awake this morning trying to think of something that would make us all laugh. I came up empty. But then I remembered my best ...

When Huisinga met Peterson

A few days past, I encountered two people I did not know as I went outside to retrieve that all-important mail (which, as usual, was hardly worth the effort). They introduced themselves and handed me a local candidate’s “door hanger” for the upcoming election. This began a normal (for me) ...

Tipping outhouses and other treats

Get a bunch of guys 70 years and older together at this time of year and the conversation just might turn to Halloweens of yore. One-upmanship sets in as each man brags about Halloween pranks in which he was involved. One Halloween in the early ‘60s some of the guys (I wasn’t in on this ...

That’s what kindness can do

“You’re receiving this gift because I love the colorful fall season. “Even though I don’t know you, I pray that you will feel blessed by the beauty that God provides each day, such as seeing a beautiful sunrise or sunset, being with someone who brings you joy or maybe it's in the ...