
Letters to Editor

Who will put up these displays of our freedom in the future?

To the editor: My husband, granddaughter and I had the privilege to help take down the majestic display of flags in Graceland Cemetery last week. As we took a break, we asked if the volunteers were vets, and were told nearly all were Vietnam vets. These Vietnam Vets are supporting and ...

Alex Pruismann thanks voters for their support in the primary

To the editor and to the Citizens of Hamilton County: Thank you all so much. The dust has settled on the June 4th primary and the only words I can come up with to truly express my gratitude are “Thank You!” This campaign started on December 7th, 2023 and ever since that day, I’ve gotten ...

Former Waterloo police chief endorses Pruismann for sheriff

To the editor: I spent almost three decades in the law enforcement profession. I retired as the chief of police in Waterloo. I am currently an elected member of the Black Hawk County Board of Supervisors, serving my second term. I first met Alex Pruismann 10 years ago. We were both in ...

Your patriotism can honor veterans all year long

To the editor: Memorial Day honors those whose patriotism led them to sacrifice their lives in defense of democracy. Patriotism is a love of country. If you are devoted, you contribute to the well-being of your devotee. Patriots sacrifice comforts for their country. Too often people say, ...

Timmons supports Alex Pruismann as the next sheriff

To the Editor: First off, I would like to thank Hamilton County for their support to our law enforcement personnel. We are truly blessed to live in such a caring county. As you know, we have an especially important vote coming on June 4th. This vote is to elect Hamilton County’s next ...