
‘The people of Webster City must really value your service’

To the editor:

I was totally amazed to find your journal still in print today. The people of Webster City must really value your service.

My father Charles Floyd Koestner grew up on a farm outside Webster and left for the military when he was 21 at the beginning of WWII. In cleaning out old dressers I found these newspapers probably sent to him by my aunt to keep him current on home news. I could not bring myself to throw them away. I decided to sent them to the newspaper for you to decide if the garbage is the place for them! Perhaps it was just my awe that you were still printing 80 years later that made me not throw them.

My father loved Iowa and yearned to get home after the war. I am sure these headlines brought him great joy. He would be 106 years. If still alive.

Kay Koestner Kramer

Minneapolis, Minnesota

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