An autumnal sky hung over the Capitol Monday afternoon. It was Yom Kippur, the day to atone, which seemed apt.
Four thousand tourists come to the Capitol every day now, but the place will likely be dark next week.
Gone was the cloud of uncertainty about a pending government shutdown. Most ...
There has been a lot of talk lately about why Iowa’s K-12 school districts need to be more transparent, and more accessible and more accountable, to parents and the rest of the tax-paying people of Iowa.
That is the justification offered for a bulging backpack full of bills introduced in ...
Typically, in the days leading up to the start of a new session of the Iowa Legislature, the attention is on lawmakers’ goals and priorities — and on the pledges they make to work together for the good of the people of Iowa.
This year, however, Republican leaders who control the Iowa ...
Things are going to be very festive in Webster City on Saturday as local businesses, the city of Webster City, the Chamber of Commerce and other community organizations collaborate for Christmas in the City.
At various venues around the community, local residents will have an opportunity to ...
It can be easy during the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season to overlook the fact that for the less fortunate among us, there will be no holiday from need.
Children whose parents cannot afford those toys our youngsters think they have to receive, adults unable to find work to pay for ...
National 4-H Week, which began Sunday and concludes Saturday, is a good time to celebrate the enormous contributions 4-H makes to our community and nation.
It’s hard to imagine anyone in Iowa who doesn’t know a bit about 4-H, but this week is an appropriate occasion to reflect on the ...