

You, with pain in your eyes

Local Columns

This is for you with pain in your eyes. Years ago, I stood where you stand. I wrote those words way back in 1987 when I was managing editor of a Connecticut newspaper and a volunteer rape crisis counselor. I remember it was in the spring because I had just announced I was leaving the job ...

Your legacy will live on through how you treat people

Local Columns

In my profession we are called upon to help, serve, defend and stand up for the unfortunate or people who can’t do it for themselves, for whatever reason that may be. It is kind of odd to think back and realize that is exactly how my dad brought me up to act each and every day. He did it ...

The Theory of Age Relativism

Local Columns

In some circles the term “relativism” is a dirty word. Moral relativism, for instance, holds to the belief that ethical truths depend on the people holding them. I disagree with this type of relativism. On the other hand (as a lawyer might say) there is a relativism that cannot be denied. ...

Sen. Guth, ‘We will not forget or forgive’


To the editor: In 2024, I spent 10 months running for the Iowa Senate. The district includes Franklin, Hamilton, Hancock, Humboldt, Wright and northern Story Counties (Roland and Story City.) It's a big, rural district and mostly Republican. I'm a Democrat, and like a lot of Dems in 2024, I ...