
PEO Chapter EL donates $750 to WC Meals on Wheels

Each December PEO Chapter EL chooses a local charity to support as its Christmas project, according to Cindy Van Wyhe, current president of Chapter EL.

This year the chapter chose Meals on Wheels.

Jeanne Hill spoke at the December meeting about the program and its needs. The members chipped in to present Meals on Wheels with a donation of $750.

Chapter EL has been a part of the Webster City community since it was organized on April 16, 1914. PEO (Philanthropic Educational Organization) has been celebrating women helping women reach for the stars for more than 155 years. Since its inception in 1869, the nonprofit organization has helped more than 125,000 women pursue educational goals by providing approximately $432 million in grants, scholarships, awards and loans.

What started with a bond of friendship among seven women in Mount Pleasant, is now one of the oldest women’s organizations in North America with nearly 5,500 chapters.

To learn more about PEO, its powerful educational philanthropies and see stories of women who have benefited from the programs, visit peointernational.org.

Pictured above are, from left, Jeanne Hill, Cindy Van Wyhe, Kathy Josten and Julie Tharp.

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