
City Council will hear presentation on proposed sports complex

The City Council of Webster City will meet this evening in the council chambers of City Hall, 400 Second Street, Webster City.

This meeting begins at 6 p.m.

Preceding the official meeting, a 5 p.m. Work Session will hear a presentation by Andy Hejlik on The DUB, which is a proposed indoor sports complex.

The general agenda will include a presentation by Ashley Shiwarski, Home Serve USA, on a proposed Service Line Program. This is a virtual presentation.

This meeting will be open to the public and can be viewed live on the City Facebook page

https://www.facebook.com/cityofwebstercity/ or viewed on the City of Webster City website

https://webstercity.com/government/city-council/city-council-meetings/ the morning following the meeting.

Starting at $3.46/week.

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