The Daily Freeman-Journal wins 17 Iowa Newspaper Association awards
Robert E. Oliver
Multiple contributors to the Daily Freeman-Journal were honored for their work during the Iowa Newspaper Association’s Convention and Awards Ceremony Thursday in Des Moines.
Kent Bailey took first place for the DFJ with his stunning drone shot of the blaze in downtown Webster City that drew fire departments from three counties, destroyed one building and damaged others, including the historic Webster Theater.
Ad Director Trevor Christensen took first and third places for best web advertisement. He also won a third place award for the best ad featuring automotive/boats/aircraft and related equipment.
Graphic designer Nick Manwarren and Interim Editor Jane Curtis earned first place for best use of graphics for their collaborative work in the DFJ.
David Borer, a writer and photographer, took second for best news feature story for “On the Honor Flight, there is infinite room for gratitude.” He earned a second place award for best sports photo as well.
Dana Becker earned second place for best sports story with “He did it — Webster City’s Doolittle seals memorable career with state title.” Overall, the DFJ placed third in the best sports section contest.
Doug Bailey and Robert E. Oliver both were honored for their individual series, Bailey for his multi-part “Into Ukraine,” and Oliver for “The Intrepid Voyageuses.”
The DFJ earned a second-place award in the best feature page contest which included, among other works, “A POW’s Account” by Carrie Olson-Tagg.
In other contests, the DFJ took first in headline writing; third in total newspaper design; and third in community leadership.
Curtis took second-place honors in both the master columnist and excellence in editorial writing categories.
The 2025 Iowa Better Newspaper Contests was judged by the Kansas Press Association.
The DFJ falls into the Class IV newspapers, which are published more than once a week with a circulation figure of 3,750 and under. Some of the newspapers the DFJ competed against were the Iowa Falls Times Citizen, Clinton Herald, Spencer Daily Reporter and Council Bluffs Daily Nonpareil.
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