
ISU Alumni Club Scholarship application deadline is March 31

The application deadline for the Iowa State University Alumni Club of Hamilton County scholarship awards to high school seniors is approaching.

Seniors who live in or attend school in Hamilton County are eligible to apply.

The deadline is March 31.

In addition, individuals who graduated from a school in Hamilton County and who are currently attending Iowa State University or plan to transfer into the university this fall may apply. Recipients are selected based on a submission of application, financial need, academic achievement, and an interview process. The amount awarded each year is entirely supported by the financial generosity of Hamilton County alumni members, as well as the friends and fans of ISU.

An interview process will take place for those who meet the application requirements. The scholarship amount awarded to each individual varies, and will be split equally between their fall and spring semesters. High school seniors are notified at their award night ceremonies, and all others by the end of May.

Scholarship applications may be accessed via Webster City High School and South Hamilton Community Schools guidance offices, via the Hamilton County ISU Club Scholarship Google Drive, online at the ISU Alumni Association website under the Hamilton County Scholarship link, or by requesting the form from Tiffany Larson, scholarship chairperson for the Iowa State Alumni Club of Hamilton County.

You can also submit in-person to your high school guidance office in Hamilton County; submit via mail (postmarked by March 31) to the scholarship chairperson; or submit via email to isuhamiltoncountycyclones@gmail.com.

Applications must include a photo and signature (electronic signatures accepted). Note that high school students may include any dual college credits earned, and all applicants may include leadership achievements in school and their communities. Additional club and scholarship updates may be found on the club’s social media platforms @HamCoCyclones.

Starting at $3.46/week.

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