
KYL announces Festival of Chocolate to move to March

Organizers hope the change from late January will tempt more people to turn out for the event

— Daily Freeman-Journal file photo Joan and Allen Haberman survey the trays of chocolate goodies at the 2019 Festival of Chocolate Sunday afternoon at Kendall Young Library. The 2020 event has been moved to March 29.

The Kendall Young Library will hold its annual Festival of Chocolate Sunday, March 29 from 2 to 4 p.m.

That’s a change from the late January date used since the event began in 2013. Organizers hope the change from winter to spring will tempt more folks to turn out for the “all things chocolate” fund raiser. Other details remain the same.

The festival is sponsored by the Friends of the Library. It features chocolate goodies made by local bakers. A panel of judges selects winners in four categories: brownies/bars; confections/candies; cookies; and cakes/cupcakes. The general public is invited to the library to sample the results for a $10 entry fee.

The Friends of the Kendall Young Library is a volunteer group of some 150 library patrons who also organize the spring and fall book sales. Proceeds from the three fund raisers, plus an ongoing book sale cart, donations, and Friends memberships, generates $8,000 to $10,000 a year. This funds a variety of non-budgeted library programs for all ages: summer reading programs for juvenile and young adults; teen lounge and other teen programs; family game nights and family reading nights; movie licensing; Spanish programs; library software. More than $8,000 was budgeted for 2019.

Look for more details about the 2020 Festival of Chocolate event in February.

Starting at $3.46/week.

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