ICAP grant awarded
Hamilton County, Hamilton County Emergency Management Commission, and Hamilton County E911 all received a $1,000 grant from the Iowa Communities Assurance Pool (ICAP), the member’s property and casualty coverage provider. The ICAP Grant, a special initiative in celebration of the Pool’s 30th Anniversary, provides up to $1,000 per member for the purchase of select loss control and/or risk management items. The County used the funds to purchase a new drone to be used for Search and Rescue situations, Building/Infrastructure inspections, bridge inspections, hazmat scenes, trainings, river Rescue, and damage assessments. Pictured left to right: Justin Malloy (Town & Country Insurance), Dylan Hagen, David Young, Dan Campidilli, Doug Bailey, and Doug Follmann (Town & Country Insurance). ICAP was formed in 1986 as a group self-insurance program for Iowa public entities. The member-owned Pool provides property and casualty coverage, risk-sharing facilities and risk-management services to its members.