
Lifestyle Briefs

Webster City Women’s Club will meet Monday

The Webster City Women’s Club will meet Monday, March 10, in the Fireside Room of Trinity Lutheran Church, 1229 Kathy Lane, Webster City. This meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. The change of location is due to ongoing construction work in the Jane Young House kitchen. Enter through the east door ...

Fuller Hall will host Crafting for Seniors Thursday

Fuller Hall Recreation Center will host Crafting for Seniors Thursday, February 20. This event begins at 11 a.m. The craft is creating a customizable wooden family decoration. This is free.

Advocates and The Cat Hut offer $50 cat spay/neuter vouchers

In celebration of February "Feline Fix by Five" Awareness Month, Hamilton County Animal AdvoCATes and The Cat Hut are offering $50 cat spay/neuter vouchers. They join The United Spay Alliance and Marian's Dream to urge pet owners to prioritize "Feline Fix by Five." Feline Fix by Five is aimed ...

Lehigh Methodist Church Second Sunday Soup Supper is Sunday

LEHIGH — The Lehigh Methodist Church will have a soup and sandwich supper on Sunday, February 9. This event is from 5 to 7 p.m. The menu is four or five different kinds of soup, plus grilled cheese sandwiches, desserts and a drink. The cost is a freewill donation.

Fund is set up to help Lauren Jones and family during her cancer treatments

Lauren (Chalfant) Jones is a lifelong Webster City resident who is currently receiving treatment for breast cancer. The 34-year-old wife and mother of two young boys — Tucker, 9, and Levi, 4 — is a nurse, most recently with Van Diest Medical Center, who was in the process of getting her ...

Kendall Young Library has special events for everyone

Kendall Young Library offers programming for all ages. Here is a list of upcoming offerings: Adult Book Club — The library invites you to join in the February Book Club discussion about “Being Henry” by Henry Winkler. Books are available at the adult checkout if you are interested in ...