March 8 open house will help Linda McFarland celebrate her 80th
Linda McFarland will celebrate her 80th birthday with open house on Saturday, March 8, at Faith United Methodist Church, 2020 Superior Street, Webster City.
Linda McFarland will celebrate her 80th birthday with open house on Saturday, March 8, at Faith United Methodist Church, 2020 Superior Street, Webster City.
Chester (Chet) Robinson, of Fort Dodge, will celebrate his 90th birthday with an open house from 2 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, March 2, at the Webster City Links Golf Course, Webster City. Cards may be sent to him at 1425 N. 11th Street, Fort Dodge, IA 50501. No gifts, please. Chester was born on ...
Margaret Pruismann, a longtime Webster City resident, will celebrate her 100th birthday on Saturday, March 8. Consider this an invitation to shower her with cards. (Maybe 100?) Send cards to Margaret Pruismann, 2785 1st Avenue South, Room 183, Altoona, IA 50009-8823.
HAMPTON — Pat (Patty) Cross will celebrate her 80th birthday on November 30 at the Hampton Senior Center, 23 1st Street SW, Hampton. The party is from 2 to 4 p.m.
Erma Doris Bockoven will celebrate her 80th birthday on Monday, November 11. Erma Doris Pruismann was born on November 11, 1944, at Hamilton County Hospital. To help celebrate her 80th, her family requests friends shower her with cards. To do this, send cards to P.O. Box 66, Stanhope IA ...
Lawrence “Sam” and Karen Schminke, of Stratford, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on November 16. They were married in 1974 at the Little Brown Church in Nashua. To help celebrate their anniversary, friends are encouraged to participate in a card shower. You can send cards ...