

AMES — The Iowa State football team opened spring practice for the upcoming season here on Tuesday, as they will have 15 practice sessions ...

It might be the best thing

When I was a kid I enjoyed listening to older folks talk about the changes they had seen during their lifetimes and their first-time experiences. First time driving ...

Highways of the past

Zipping down today’s interstate highways it’s easy to forget what Iowa’s highways were like just 70 years ago. Too young to remember? Well, ...

Warland joins WCF Financial Bank

Bargfrede joins staff at Boone River Financial

Lehigh Second Sunday Supper is April 13

LEHIGH — The Lehigh Methodist Church will hold its Second Sunday Supper on April 13. This event will be from 5 to 7 p.m. in the church basement. The menu will ...

Kendall Young Library will host special events in April

Webster City Women’s Club will meet Monday


To the editor: Unfortunately, I am forced to agree with (President Donald) Trump on one point: we now live in a s-hole country. I was born, raised and educated ...

History will remember that power and cruelty were prioritized

It’s amazing how over time stories intertwine

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