
City accepts property donation

A piece of land that could be used for a future extension of Lynx Avenue was accepted by the Webster City City Council Monday.

The real estate was donated to the city by the Marilyn L. Williams Living Trust. It extends south of the current southern endpoint of Lynx Avenue.

City Manager Daniel Ortiz-Hernandez said the property could be used to help extend Lynx Avenue to Wall Street. However, some other property would have to be acquired from a different owner before that connection could be made.

City officials had considered making a temporary road there if that other property could have been acquired sooner because of the possibility that the nearby intersection of Wall and Beach streets could be closed due to an ongoing water main project. However, Public Works Director Ken Wetzler said Monday that the intersection will not be completely closed.

GM Contracting Inc., of Lake Crystal, Minnesota, has a $199,827.46 contract to install a 12-inch diameter water main between the interesction of Beach and Wall streets to the intersection of Beach Street and Fair Meadow Drive.

In other business, Linda Christianson, executive director of the Webster Area Chamber of Commerce, reported that between 3,000 and 4,000 people visited Junquefest over the Memorial Day weekend.

She said they came from 78 communities in 12 states.

She added that there were 68 vendors at the annual downtown street fair featuring vintage, antique and salvaged items.

Christianson said 82 volunteers worked to make the event possible.

Starting at $3.46/week.

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